
How To Play Video

Activity/Supplies Location: Discipleship Center Porch

The objective of the game Mölkky is to score exactly 50 points by strategically knocking down wooden pins, called “skittles,” using a wooden throwing stick, called the Mölkky. The skittles are initially arranged in a tight formation, and players take turns throwing the Mölkky to knock them down. The points scored are determined by the numbers on the toppled skittles. However, if a player knocks down more than one skittle, they earn points equal to the number of fallen skittles. The game continues until a player reaches exactly 50 points, and the first one to do so wins the game.

Detailed instructions on how to play Mölkky:

  1. Setup:
    • Find a flat and open outdoor playing area, such as a lawn or a park.
    • Set up the 12 wooden skittles in a tight formation, arranging them in a single group. The skittles should be numbered from 1 to 12.
  1. Determining the Playing Order:
    • Each player takes turns throwing the Mölkky, the throwing stick.
    • The player who throws the Mölkky closest to the skittles without hitting them gets the first turn. This player will be the starting player.
  1. Gameplay:
    • The starting player stands behind a designated throwing line, usually marked on the ground, and throws the Mölkky underhand towards the skittles.
    • The objective is to knock down the skittles by hitting them with the Mölkky.
    • When a skittle is knocked down, the player scores the number of points marked on that skittle.
    • Players take turns throwing the Mölkky, aiming to knock down as many skittles as possible and score points.
  1. Scoring:
    • If only one skittle is knocked down, the player scores the number of points on that skittle.
    • If multiple skittles are knocked down, the player scores the number of skittles they knocked down.
    • After each throw, the fallen skittles are reset in the position where they landed, and the next player takes their turn.
  1. Winning the Game:
    • The game continues with each player taking turns until someone reaches exactly 50 points.
    • If a player’s score goes over 50, their score is reduced to 25 points, and they must continue to score exactly 25 points to win.
    • The first player to score exactly 50 points, or to score 25 points after going over 50, wins the game.
  1. Variation:
    • As a variation, players can agree on a specific number of rounds to play instead of aiming for a certain point total. The player with the highest score at the end of the agreed-upon rounds is declared the winner.

Remember, Mölkky is often played in a friendly and casual setting, and rules can be adjusted based on the players’ preferences and agreements. Enjoy the game and have fun!

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