Ladder Golf

Activity/Supplies Location: Discipleship Center Porch

Also known as ladder toss, hillbilly golf, or ladder ball; it is a fun outdoor game played with a ladder-like structure and bolas (two golf balls tied together). Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play Ladder Golf:

  1. Setup:
    • Place the ladder structure in an open outdoor area, ensuring it stands securely.
    • Each player or team takes a side of the ladder.
  1. Equipment:
    • Ladder Golf Set, which typically includes a ladder structure with three rungs and six bolas.
    • Bolas consist of two golf balls connected by a string.
  1. Gameplay:
    • Players take turns tossing the bolas at the ladder structure, aiming to wrap the bolas around the rungs.
    • The top rung is worth 3 points, the middle rung is worth 2 points, and the bottom rung is worth 1 point.
    • Players can either throw all three of their bolas in one turn or take alternating throws.
  1. Scoring:
    • After each player or team has thrown all their bolas, the scores are calculated.
    • Only the bolas that remain hanging on the ladder structure after all throws count towards the score.
    • The points from the bolas on the rungs are added up, and the player or team with the highest score for that round earns the points.
  1. Winning the Game:
    • The game is typically played to a specific point total, such as 21.
    • Players or teams take turns throwing and accumulating points until one player or team reaches or exceeds the predetermined point total.
    • The player or team with the highest score at the end of a round or who reaches the target score first wins the game.

Ladder Golf can be played with different variations of scoring, such as canceling out opponents’ points or requiring an exact score to win. Remember to familiarize yourself with any specific rules or variations before playing. Enjoy the game and have a great time playing Ladder Golf outdoors!

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Student Clubs- Interest-based, campus-mixing, activity groups: athletics, student publications, brain games, board games, craft clubs, music, drama, mission projects, and more. 

Student Labs- Interactive breakout groups that dig into themes including: spiritual journey exploration, spiritual disciplines, character building, skill building, and discussion groups.

Free Block Activities – A daily free block choose fun activities to choose from.