
Activity/Supplies Location: Next to Bob-O-Link

Croquet is a classic outdoor game played on a grassy lawn with a set of mallets, balls, and wickets. The objective of the game is to navigate your ball through a course of wickets in a specific order, ultimately hitting a stake located at the center of the playing area.

The game begins with players striking their balls from a starting position, aiming to get as close as possible to the first wicket. Each player takes turns, attempting to pass through the wickets in the correct order using the fewest number of strokes.

Players can strategically position their balls to hinder opponents or gain advantageous positions on the field. The order of play is determined by the player whose ball is farthest from the stake.

The game progresses as players successfully navigate through the course, advancing to the next wicket. A turn is considered finished when a player successfully passes through a wicket or makes contact with another ball, known as a “roquet.” After a roquet, the player earns an extra shot and has the opportunity to hit their ball and the opponent’s ball.

When a player completes the course by striking their ball against the stake, they have “pegged out.” The first player to peg out, having successfully navigated through all the wickets and hit the stake, is declared the winner.

However, certain rules govern the order of play, penalties for hitting other balls out of bounds or failing to pass through a wicket, and strategies to strategically position balls for future shots. The precise rules may vary slightly depending on the specific croquet variant being played, such as association croquet or garden croquet.

Overall, croquet combines skill, strategy, and a touch of friendly competition, making it an enjoyable and engaging lawn game for players of all ages.

Facilitate A Club, Lab, or Activity?

Volunteers are need to assist with leadership of Student Clubs, Student Labs, and some of the activities in the free block time. Plans, supplies, resources, curriculum, and anything else needed to lead will be ready to go; you simply add any flavor and leadership style that you bring to elevate the experience and enjoy a great time facilitating student experiences.

Student Clubs- Interest-based, campus-mixing, activity groups: athletics, student publications, brain games, board games, craft clubs, music, drama, mission projects, and more. 

Student Labs- Interactive breakout groups that dig into themes including: spiritual journey exploration, spiritual disciplines, character building, skill building, and discussion groups.

Free Block Activities – A daily free block choose fun activities to choose from.