
Activity/Supplies Location: Sidewalk between Pell and Statue of Jesus

9-Square in the Air is a popular and fast-paced game played with a large square-shaped frame and a volleyball. Here’s a description of how to play 9-Square in the Air:

  1. Setup:
    • Set up the 9-Square in the Air frame, which consists of a square grid divided into nine smaller squares, stacked on top of each other.
    • Assign players to each square, with one player in the center square (Square 5) and the others distributed in the remaining squares.
    • Each player stands inside their designated square.
  1. Gameplay:
    • The game begins with a player serving the ball into any of the squares from their designated serving square (Square 1).
    • Players must hit the ball using any part of their body but cannot catch, carry, or throw the ball.
    • The ball must be hit into another player’s square, aiming to make them unable to return the ball or to hit it out of bounds.
    • The ball must be hit over the center bar and into another square before it touches the ground.
  1. Scoring:
    • If a player fails to hit the ball into another square or hits it out of bounds, they are eliminated from the game.
    • The remaining players move up to fill the vacant squares, with a new player entering the lowest square.
    • The player who was eliminated goes to the end of the line and waits for their next turn to re-enter the game.
  1. Gameplay Continuation:
    • Play continues with players hitting the ball into different squares and trying to eliminate opponents.
    • The ball is always served from Square 1, and the ball must move from square to square in numerical order (1 to 9).
    • If a player makes an error or fails to hit the ball into another square, they are eliminated, and the game continues.
  1. Winning the Game:
    • The objective is to be the last player remaining in Square 1.
    • The game continues until there is only one player left standing in Square 1, and they are declared the winner.

9-Square in the Air is a fast-paced and competitive game that tests players’ reflexes, accuracy, and agility. It can be played with various skill levels and is suitable for groups of different sizes. Enjoy the excitement and challenge of 9-Square in the Air!

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Volunteers are need to assist with leadership of Student Clubs, Student Labs, and some of the activities in the free block time. Plans, supplies, resources, curriculum, and anything else needed to lead will be ready to go; you simply add any flavor and leadership style that you bring to elevate the experience and enjoy a great time facilitating student experiences.

Student Clubs- Interest-based, campus-mixing, activity groups: athletics, student publications, brain games, board games, craft clubs, music, drama, mission projects, and more. 

Student Labs- Interactive breakout groups that dig into themes including: spiritual journey exploration, spiritual disciplines, character building, skill building, and discussion groups.

Free Block Activities – A daily free block choose fun activities to choose from.