4-way Volleyball

Activity/Supplies Location: Near the Volleyball Courts

4-Way Volleyball, also known as Quad Volleyball or King of the Court, is a variation of traditional volleyball that involves four individuals/teams playing simultaneously on a circular court. Here’s a description of how to play 4-Way Volleyball:

  1. Setup:
    • Mark a circular playing area, divided into four equal sections by lines or boundaries.
    • Each team occupies one section of the court.
  1. Gameplay:
    • Each team starts on their side and serves the ball into any other section of the court.
    • The objective is to keep the ball in play and prevent it from hitting the ground within your own section.
    • The teams rotate in a clockwise manner after each rally, so each team has an opportunity to play in each section of the court.
  1. Scoring:
    • Points are awarded to a team if they successfully make the opposing team fail to return the ball within their own section or if the ball is hit out of bounds.
    • Typically, points are awarded only to the serving team. When the serving team loses a rally, the other three teams rotate positions, and a new serving team is determined.
  1. Serving:
    • The serving team serves the ball into any other section of the court.
    • The serve must clear the boundary lines of the receiving team’s section.
    • The serve can be underhand or overhand, and players can choose their preferred serving technique.
  1. Gameplay Continuation:
    • Play continues with teams rotating and taking turns serving until a predetermined point total is reached or a specific time limit is reached.
    • The exact rules for rotation and serving order may vary based on the preferences of the players or the specific rules established for the game.
  1. Winning the Game:
    • The game can be played to a specific point total, such as 25 or 30, with a winning margin of two points.
    • Alternatively, a time limit can be set, and the team with the highest score at the end of the time limit is declared the winner.

4-Way Volleyball adds an exciting dynamic to the traditional volleyball format, with multiple teams competing simultaneously. It requires communication, teamwork, and adaptability as players constantly rotate and adjust to different sections of the court. Enjoy the fast-paced and competitive nature of 4-Way Volleyball!

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Student Clubs- Interest-based, campus-mixing, activity groups: athletics, student publications, brain games, board games, craft clubs, music, drama, mission projects, and more. 

Student Labs- Interactive breakout groups that dig into themes including: spiritual journey exploration, spiritual disciplines, character building, skill building, and discussion groups.

Free Block Activities – A daily free block choose fun activities to choose from.